Rothwell Research Seminar 2023: ‘How we research architecture’

Friday 28th July, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Tin Sheds Gallery

A seminar with Rothwell Co-Chairs Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal, together with Rothwell researchers Callantha Brigham (Rothwell Resident in Urban Design), Hannes Frykholm (Rothwell Postdoctoral Associate)and Michael Zanardo (Rothwell Resident in Architecture ).

With an opening address by Dr Maren Koehler, the seminar provided an overview and discussion of the ongoing work by the Rothwell Researchers, with a particular focus on their different methods of research. Methods set the parameters for investigation and research outputs, but they can also be creative and transformative engagements in themselves.

The Rothwell Researchers also discussed the interplay between practice, teaching and research in architecture and urban design. Following the presentations. there was an open conversation with Anne Lacaton, Jean-Philippe Vassal and the audience

Images of Research Seminar featuring Rothwell Co-Chairs, Anne Lacaton and Jean Philippe Vassal, and researchers Callantha Brigham, Dr Hannes Frykholm and Dr Michael Zanardo